Writer’s Guidlines
We Only Buy On Spec.
Submit Articles To: Tracye Szilagyi WE RARELY COVER EVENTS, so if you’re gonna send THAT to us, please make it interesting. If its clearly overtly promotion we will trash it and we might block you too if we are having a rough day. PROFILES OF WINEMAKERS/WINERIES are fine and honestly ENCOURAGED as long as its not promotional. We like STORYTELLING. Article Formats: Articles MUST be submitted via email. You’ll get a response from us 100% of the time. WE LIKE IMAGES! If we accept an article for publication & we’ll strongly consider the image you send, but its us to us. As is the case with a submitted article, you are granting us the right to use your image. We’ll always respond with at least a directional indication. But be forewarned, if you hound us, we will probably not reply any more and instead ONLY notify you IF your article has been accepted for publication. We may edit. Hey, Its what we do. General Guidelines If the first paragraph of your article contains any of the following words/phrases your submission will be rejected immediately: